User agreement of the Internet resource Unlim

This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between the limited liability company "Unlimited Technology", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and the Internet user, hereinafter referred to as the "User", arising when the User visits and (or) uses the Internet -resource Unlim.

The Contractor confirms that, in accordance with legal requirements, he has the necessary rights to provide services (provision of services) through Unlim, and is also the holder of exclusive rights in relation to intellectual property products (including, but not limited to, trademarks) used in the activities of Unlim.

This Agreement uses terms in the meanings provided for by the legislation of Georgia, as well as the following terms:

mobile phone number verification– the procedure for the User to confirm his mobile phone number by entering a code received via free SMS to the mobile phone number specified by the User when registering the User’s profile. Used for the purpose of ensuring security when using the Unlim resource and preventing unauthorized use of the Unlim resource services.

Internet resource Unlim (hereinafter referred to as “Unlim resource”, “Unlim” or “resource”)– website (including resources on third- and fourth-level domains), its mobile version, as well as Unlim mobile applications for Android and IOS operating systems, intended for posting advertising and commercial information of legal entities and (or) individuals .

announcement– an offer to purchase, sell or exchange goods, perform work (render services), or another similar offer posted by the User on the Unlim Internet resource in accordance with this Agreement.

User profile (account)– a User account on the Unlim resource, which provides the User with the ability to use certain services of the Unlim resource, as well as manage information posted by the User on Unlim.

advertising information– any information of an advertising nature, including advertisements, hypertext links, advertising banners and other information materials (services) that perform advertising functions.

service– a set of organizational, software and hardware tools with the help of which it is possible to provide users with certain functions of the Unlim Internet resource.

product– property (thing) offered by the User for sale (purchase, exchange) in the advertisement.

token– a unique alternative bank payment card number generated by the software and hardware resources of the payment provider when the User pays for ad promotion services (all types of ad promotion services).

service– a service, the use of which is carried out by the User on a reimbursable basis (for a fee).

For the purposes of its identification on the Unlim resource, including in information messages and correspondence with users, the Contractor uses the following names and designations: Unlim,, unlim, as well as names derived from these designations.

General provisions

1.1. The Contractor, under the conditions provided for in this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), provides the User with the opportunity to use the Unlim Internet resource (its services).

In particular (including, but not limited to), the following main services are available to the User on the Unlim resource:

placing advertisements, editing and deleting them;

search and view advertisements;

viewing other advertising information posted on the Unlim Internet resource, following active hyperlinks contained in this information;

obtaining additional information about products advertised (sold) through the Unlim resource;

making payments for goods, works (services), information about which is posted on the Unlim resource (including using bank payment cards, installment cards, bank credit products, etc.);

ordering goods (work, services);

ordering delivery of goods;

the ability to access through the transition from the Unlim Internet resource to the services of third parties - partners of the Contractor;

promotion of User advertisements;

communications with other users, as well as with the Contractor, providing the User with personal recommendations;

notifications about opportunities to profitably purchase goods from advertisements previously viewed by the User.

1.2. Services that can be accessed through the Unlim resource can be provided both directly by the Contractor and by third party partners of the Contractor under the conditions provided for in this Agreement, of which the User is informed through the Unlim resource.

At the same time, the Contractor, within its competence and if possible, may exercise general control over the provision of such services to the User and ensure the process of resolving disputes and considering requests from Users related to the use of such services.

1.3. The Contractor is not responsible for the unavailability of Unlim services, as well as any delays, interruptions, direct and indirect damage or losses occurring due to defects in any electronic or mechanical equipment and/or computer programs, or due to other objective technological reasons, as well as as a result of actions or inactions of third parties, problems with data transmission or connection, power outages that occurred through no fault of the Contractor.

2. Procedure for concluding the Agreement

2.1. This Agreement is a public agreement, according to which the Contractor undertakes to provide services on the Unlim resource in relation to each User who contacts the Contractor to receive such services, under the conditions established by law and this Agreement.

2.2. Publication (posting) of the text of this Agreement on the Internet at the address:( a public proposal to conclude an Agreement (offer) of the Contractor, addressed to an indefinite number of persons, on the basis of which the Contractor concludes an Agreement with any of the Users who agrees to its conclusion in the manner prescribed by law and this Agreement.

2.3. This Agreement is considered concluded in simple written form from the moment:

the User completing the User profile registration procedure on the Unlim resource. The User, simultaneously with the registration of the User profile, confirms familiarization with and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, or

order by the User through the Unlim resource of a service available without the need to register a User profile (for Users who have not registered a User profile).

2.4. The conclusion of this Agreement in the manner established by clause 2.3 of this Agreement is made in accordance with the Civil Code of Georgia through the User’s acceptance of the terms of this Agreement only by acceding to the proposed Agreement as a whole without any reservations or exceptions.

If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the User has no right to visit the Unlim resource and use it, including registering a User profile, posting advertisements or using any other services of the Unlim resource.

2.5. The Parties recognize the location of the Contractor specified in clause 16 of the Agreement as the place of conclusion of the agreement.

3. Terms of service

3.1. Depending on the presence of a registered profile, as well as other actions performed by the User on the Unlim resource, Users have access to a different list and scope of services.

Certain services (including services) of the Unlim resource can be provided only to Users registered (authorized) on the Unlim resource, and, if necessary, to Users who have passed verification of their mobile phone number, about which the User is informed through the resources of the resource before the provision of such services (services). ).

3.2. Services (services) of third parties

In order to ensure the high quality of the services provided by Unlim, as well as create conditions for the most effective implementation by Users of their rights and opportunities when using Unlim, the Contractor has the right to provide Users on the Unlim resource with services (access to services) of third party partners of the Contractor, on the basis of agreements concluded A performer with such faces.

The procedure for using services (services), access to which is provided to the User through the Unlim resource by third parties, is determined by this Agreement (appendices thereto), information posted on the Unlim resource and (or) on the Internet resources of third parties providing the relevant services (services) .

The terms of use of services provided (together with Unlim) by third party partners of the Contractor are attached to this Agreement and are an integral part of it.

3.3. Unlim resource services are intended for Internet users located in Georgia. In this regard, the Contractor does not guarantee the availability and (or) performance of the Unlim resource services to Internet users who are not located in Georgia.

3.4. Terms of provision of services without charging payment

There is no fee for posting advertisements (within established limits), as well as for using a number of other services provided to Users through the Unlim Internet resource, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement and (or) information posted by the Contractor on the Unlim resource.

The provision by the Contractor to the User of certain services of the Unlim Internet resource without charging a fee is ensured by showing targeted advertising to Users on the Unlim resource, including from external sources, which allows the Contractor to cover the costs of providing such services to Users.

3.5. Processing of Users’ personal data

The processing of personal data of Users of the Unlim resource in order for the Contractor to perform actions (fulfill its obligations) provided for in this Agreement is carried out on the basis of this Agreement in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Georgia

3.6. Ensuring the security of operations on the Unlim resource

The adoption by the Contractor of measures to ensure on an ongoing basis the security of transactions performed by Users on the Unlim resource, including protection against fraud, is an important and necessary condition for providing the User with the services of the Unlim Internet resource within the framework of the implementation of this Agreement.

In order to ensure the security of transactions on the Unlim Internet resourceExecutor:

regularly sends push messages and emails with security recommendations to Users;

displays warnings to the User using the Unlim resource about the need to take precautions when using the resource;

takes measures to restrict viewing of Users’ telephone numbers in advertisements and User Profiles from foreign IP addresses;

if necessary, cancels the user’s authorization in the profile (account) and (or) verification of the user’s mobile phone number and initiates the user to go through these procedures again;

collects and analyzes information:

- about ad views;

- about viewing phone numbers;

- about IP addresses, phone numbers, User account parameters;

- about suspicious Users (compromised accounts), actions performed by such Users or in specified accounts on the Unlim resource;

provides multi-factor authentication of Users, verification of Users by mobile phone number;

limits the possibility of sending links to other Internet resources in messages on the Unlim Internet resource;

collects and, upon the User’s request, provides him with the authorization history in his account (profile);

informs users about cases of logging into their account (profile) from another device;

sets limits on access to individual services and functions;

independently or on the recommendations of authorized government bodies, takes other measures aimed at ensuring security and combating fraud.

3.7. Newsletters (notifications)

In order to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, the Contractor, as necessary, sends mailings or notifications of an informational nature to the Users (in the form of general notifications on Unlim / in the User’s profile / by email to the addresses specified when creating the User’s profile / via SMS to the specified User's mobile phone number or other means at the Contractor's choice) regarding:

- improving existing and creating new Unlim services;

- recommendations for users (on choosing products, promoting ads, etc.);

- reduction in prices for goods;

- promotional events (promotions, discounts, promotional games, etc.);

- taking additional measures to maintain the confidentiality of information and ensure the security of operations carried out by the User on the Unlim resource, to prevent or suppress illegal activities;

- changes in the terms of execution of this Agreement, discounts on the services of the Contractor or the Contractor’s partners provided through the Unlim Internet resource.

4. User profile and access to it. Registering a user profile on the Unlim resource

4.1. The User has the right to register (create a User profile) on the Unlim resource in order to receive the resource’s services by filling out a form in the appropriate section of the Unlim resource with the obligatory indication of the information provided for in this form.

Each User has the right to create and use no more than two profiles on the Unlim resource: 1 profile on behalf of a private (individual) person not carrying out business activities and 1 profile on behalf of a legal entity/individual carrying out business activities.

Confirmation of the User's profile is carried out using the email address specified by the User when registering the profile, as well as the User's mobile phone number registered by one of the mobile operators of Georgia. Only one User profile can be registered per phone number. Registration of different profiles is only possible using different phone numbers.

4.2. The user is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information he provided when registering on the Unlim resource, as well as for all actions performed using his email address and password to enter his profile on the Unlim resource. The user has the right to use the services of the Unlim resource only using his own email address, mobile phone number and password.

It is not allowed to use the names “Unlim”, “unlim”, derivative words or abbreviations from them, in any interpretations and combinations, as well as any other well-known and (or) including protected names, the use of which by third parties, as the User’s name in his profile by persons without the consent of their owners is not allowed and (or) may mislead other users regarding the identity (affiliation) of the user who indicated them, his goods, works or services. If the Contractor identifies a violation by the User of this rule, the User is obliged to eliminate this violation within 3 (three) days from the date of notification of this by the Contractor. If the User fails to eliminate this violation within the prescribed period, the Contractor has the right to stop providing services to the User in accordance with the Agreement, including blocking his access to the Profile on the Unlim resource until the User eliminates the identified violation.

4.3. The user is obliged to immediately change the data used to log into the services of the Unlim resource if he has reasons to suspect that his email addresses and passwords used to log into the services of the Unlim resource have been disclosed and (or) can be used by third parties.

4.4. The user is prohibited from providing access to the profile registered on Unlim to third parties.

5. Posting advertisements on the Unlim resource

5.1. The User places an advertisement on the Unlim resource by filling out a special form in the appropriate section of the Unlim resource with the obligatory indication of information about the object of advertising, his contact (if necessary, registration) information and other mandatory information provided for in this form.

5.2. The Contractor's requirements for advertisements, their creation, editing and deletion, as well as for advertised goods (works, services), have been establishedRules for posting ads on the Unlim Internet resource(hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

5.3. The information posted by the User when submitting an advertisement for the sale/purchase of goods (works, services) on the Unlim resource must be accurate, complete and reliable, and also unconditionally comply with other requirements provided for in the Agreement, the Rules, the Data Processing Policy and (or) the instructions of the Contractor , posted on the Unlim resource.

5.4. By posting information about a product (work, service), the User confirms that, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Georgia, he has the right to sell this product (provide a service, perform work) and is independently responsible for the availability of documents confirming this right.

5.5. The Contractor ensures verification (moderation) of all advertisements posted on the Unlim resource (including in automatic mode) for compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

6.1. The User has the right to send other Unlim Users information messages related to posted advertisements.

At the same time, in order to improve communication between Users, the Unlim resource can provide a demonstration of the User’s status (online/offline), as well as the average time of the User’s response to messages.

6.2. Sending messages is prohibited:

offensive in nature;

containing false information, information the distribution of which is limited on the Unlim resource, and (or) obscene language;

not related to the subject of the advertisement;

mass character (spam);

violating the legislation of Georgia and (or) this Agreement, moral and ethical standards.

6.3. If a violation of the established requirements is detected, the Contractor has the right to suspend (block) the user’s ability to send messages.

6.4. The Contractor may, if necessary, contact the User: send information messages to the email address specified during registration, as well as to the User’s mobile phone. Sending by the Contractor the information necessary for the execution of this Agreement to the email address and (or) mobile phone number specified in the profile and (or) online form for ordering a service (service) is recognized as proper notification by the Contractor to the User.

7. Responsibilities of the Parties

7.1. The Contractor undertakes:

provide services (provide services) to the User in a quality and timely manner, subject to the User’s compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement;

not to disclose the information specified by the User when registering the User’s profile, except in cases expressly provided for by the legislation of Georgia.

inform the User by posting relevant information on the Unlim resource and (or) sending it to the email address specified in the User’s profile:

- about changes in the terms of this Agreement and (or) the operating conditions of the Unlim resource;

- the emergence of new services and functions and changes in the operating conditions of existing services;

- about the need for Users to take measures to prevent the commission of offenses (crimes) against them.

take organizational, technical and other measures to ensure the security of transactions when Users use the Unlim Internet resource;

take measures to improve the quality and expand the functionality of the services provided to the User of the Unlim resource, including based on the analysis of collected statistical data on the behavior and preferences of Users on the Unlim resource;

in cases provided for by law, at the User’s request, provide him with the Book of Comments and Suggestions at the Contractor’s location at the time agreed upon when the User contacted the Unlim support service.

7.2. The user undertakes:

provide, when registering a User profile on the Unlim resource and submitting advertisements, as well as in other necessary cases, information that meets the requirements provided for in this Agreement;

place advertisements on the Unlim resource in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Georgia “On Advertising”, other regulatory legal acts of Georgia, this Agreement, the Rules, the Data Processing Policy and (or) the instructions of the Contractor;

notify the Contractor in writing if there are any claims regarding the services provided by the Contractor no later than 3 (three) business days from the end of the provision of such services;

based on the information posted by the Contractor on the Unlim resource and (or) sent by the Contractor to the email address and (or) mobile phone number specified by the User on the Unlim resource (in the User profile or service order form), perform the specified actions (events) necessary to continue the unhindered use of the Unlim resource and receive the services provided on this resource;

in cases and in the manner established by the Unlim resource, verify your mobile phone number in order to obtain the right to use certain services of the Unlim resource;

upon termination of the contract for the provision of mobile communication services using a subscriber mobile phone number verified by the User in his profile on the Unlim Internet resource, - independently change the data on the verified phone number to Unlim by re-verifying the number, or send a request for such a change to the support service Unlim with the attachment of a document confirming the termination of the above agreement with the mobile operator.

8. Rights of the Parties

8.1. The performer has the right:

block the profile of a User for whom there is confirmed information (including complaints from other users) about the dishonest and (or) illegal nature of the activities carried out by this User through the Unlim resource;

not to provide the User or to stop providing the User with certain services of the Unlim resource if the User’s actions or information posted by the User on the Unlim resource violates the requirements of the legislation of Georgia, this Agreement, as well as the Contractor’s instructions posted on the Unlim resource;

unilaterally temporarily or permanently limit the User's ability to contact the support service of the Unlim resource in cases where the User has made repeated requests on issues not related to the activities of Unlim and/or accompanied by the use of obscene language or other violation of generally accepted moral and ethical norms and rules communication, and/or actions that disrupt the normal work of the Contractor (Unlim Internet resource), as well as in other similar cases.

In the event of the Contractor's refusal to provide services or early termination of the Contractor's provision of resource services on the grounds provided for in clause 8.1 of this Agreement, the cost of services paid by the User but not provided to him may be returned to the User, at his choice:

in the form of non-cash funds (based on a written application from the User, with documentary confirmation by the User of the fact of payment of funds in the appropriate amount). In this case, the refund is made in the amount actually received by the Contractor (that is, minus the amounts of commissions charged by electronic payment operators);

in the User’s profile in the form of online accounts with a total cost equivalent to the cost of services not provided.

8.2. The user has the right:

use the services of the Unlim Internet resource under the conditions provided for in this Agreement;

send written requests to the Contractor on issues related to the use of the Unlim Internet resource;

receive advice from the Unlim resource support service, taking into account the following features:

- support requests are accepted through an online form on the Unlim resource;

- requests from Unlim business partners and users of the online booking service can additionally be received by calling the mobile phone number indicated on the Unlim Internet resource;

- when the User contacts the Unlim support service by calling the mobile phone number indicated on Unlim, the Contractor records the conversation with the User;

- The Contractor has the right not to consider repeated requests from Users if Unlim has previously provided an answer to the same User to the same question.

9. Services. Procedure and terms of payment for services

9.1. Users who have duly agreed to the terms of this Agreement have the right to use on a paid basis the services (advertising or other) provided by the Contractor using the Unlim resource.

9.2. The Contractor provides the following services to Users:

9.2.1. Ad promotion services

One-time ad raising

As a result of the provision of the service, the ad for which this service is provided is raised to the top positions on the “All Ads” page if it matches search queries on the topic of the ad, as well as on the category pages in which the ad being raised is located. In the event that the Contractor subsequently provides similar services in relation to other advertisements, the advertisements raised earlier are moved down the corresponding number of positions. In addition, the period for posting an ad on the Unlim resource is extended by 60 days, and in the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” - by 90 days.

Weekly ad rise for 4 weeks

As a result of the provision of the service, the ad for which this service is provided is raised to the top positions 4 times on the “All Ads” page at the same time within 4 weeks if it matches search queries on the topic of the ad, as well as on category pages , in which the ad being raised is located. The first raise occurs after confirmation of payment for the service, the three subsequent ones - a week after the first (subsequent) raise, once a week at the same time for three weeks in a row. In the event that the Contractor subsequently provides similar services in relation to other advertisements, the advertisements raised earlier are moved down the corresponding number of positions. If the advertisement is deactivated before the expiration of the paid service, unused raises are canceled and cannot be exchanged for cash (kufa). In addition, the period for posting an ad on the Unlim resource is extended by 60 days, and in the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” - by 90 days.

Every day the ad rises to the top for 7 days

As a result of the provision of the service, the ad for which this service is provided is raised to the top positions 7 times on the “All Ads” page at the same time for 7 days in a row if it matches search queries on the topic of the ad, as well as on the pages categories in which the ad being raised is located. The first raise occurs after confirmation of payment for the service, the second and subsequent ones - every day, i.e. In total, the ad rises to the top of the list 7 times (1 time daily for 7 days in a row). In the event that the Contractor subsequently provides similar services in relation to other advertisements, the advertisements raised earlier are moved down the corresponding number of positions. In case of deactivation of the advertisement before the expiration of the paid service, unused upgrades are canceled and cannot be exchanged for cash (Unlims). In addition, the period for posting an ad on the Kufar resource is extended by 60 days, and in the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” - by 90 days.

Daily rise of ads for 15 days

As a result of the provision of the service, the ad for which this service is provided is raised to the top positions 15 times on the “All Ads” page at the same time for 15 consecutive days if it matches search queries on the topic of the ad, as well as on the pages categories in which the ad being raised is located. The first raise occurs after confirmation of payment for the service, the second and subsequent ones - every day, i.e. In total, the ad rises to the top of the list 15 times (1 time daily for 15 days in a row). In addition, the period for posting an ad on the Unlim resource is extended by 60 days, and in the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” - by 90 days. In the event that the Contractor subsequently provides similar services in relation to other advertisements, the advertisements raised earlier are moved down the corresponding number of positions. In case of deactivation of the advertisement before the expiration of the paid service, unused upgrades are canceled and cannot be exchanged for cash (Unlims).

Ad highlighting- a service that allows you to make an advertisement visually more noticeable compared to regular advertisements. An advertisement can be highlighted using color, as well as in other ways provided for by the Rules. Highlighting an ad with color is done by displaying the highlighted ad against a bright colored background. An ad is highlighted with a ribbon using one of the colored ribbons with an inscription. The feed is selected by the User from the list proposed by Unlim. The “Ad Highlight” service is valid for 7 days. In this case, the selected advertisement will be raised to the top of the list once, and the period of its placement on the Unlim resource will be extended by 60 days, and in the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” - by 90 days.

VIP pinning of an ad– this is pinning the selected ad in the VIP block at the top of the category ad list (on the web version of the Unlim resource) or on VIP positions in the ad list (in Kufar mobile applications based on Android and iOS) for a period of 1 (one), 3 ( three) or 10 (ten) days from the date of payment for the service, depending on the selected assignment period. If in one category in one period of time several users use the VIP ad pinning service, each of the corresponding ads of such users will alternately occupy VIP positions in the list of ads in the category. In addition to being displayed on VIP positions, a VIP ad is also duplicated in the ad list. After the end of the posting period, the advertisement is not deactivated; if the service has not expired, it will be automatically deactivated only after the service has expired.

Promotion package– a service that combines several ad promotion services together. The contractor can install various types of promotion packages, which differ in the composition of the services included in them (including, for example, single/multiple raising of an advertisement to the top within a certain period, highlighting an advertisement in color for a certain period, VIP pinning for a certain period, etc. ).

Information about the types, names and composition of promotion packages is posted by the Contractor on the Unlim resource page with information about advertising promotion.

9.2.2. Services for searching, selecting and sorting information

Checking a car by VIN– a service that consists of providing Users with the opportunity to check, using the VIN code entered by the User in the search line, information about motor vehicles, advertisements for the sale of which are posted on Unlim, according to the proposed parameters, including, but not limited to: being in pawn, wanted, operation history. The information received by the User as a result of the provision of the service is for informational and reference purposes only and is subject to clarification by authorized government bodies and organizations.

9.2.3. Placing advertisements in excess of the established limit– a service that is expressed in providing the User with the opportunity to place advertisements on the Unlim resource in excess of the established limit for free placement of advertisements. The limit is the maximum number of User advertisements (with the status “active”, “under moderation”, “rejected”) in a certain category.

9.2.4. Other services, information about which is posted by the Contractor on the Unlim resource.

9.3. The cost and payment procedure for the services provided are determined by the Contractor and brought to the attention of the User before ordering services by posting the relevant information in the interface of the Unlim resource.

Payment for the cost of services is made using the methods indicated on the Unlim Internet resource.

9.4. The Contractor independently sets prices for the services provided and has the right to change them in accordance with current legislation.

9.5. Paid services are provided by the Contractor in full, regardless of changes in prices during the period of their provision.

9.6. Services are provided on the basis of 100% prepayment.

9.7. The services paid for by the User are considered to be provided to him in full, properly and accepted by the User, if within 3 (three) business days from the date of provision of such services, the Contractor has not received written claims from the User.

9.8. Unlim reserves the right, for technical or other reasons, to temporarily suspend or terminate the provision of services in whole or in part at any time, having previously notified Users by email or by posting relevant information on the Unlim resource.

9.9. Wallet. AcquisitionUnlimov

The Unlim Internet resource provides the User with the opportunity to purchase the right to receive services using a wallet, which is accessed through the User’s profile.

For calculations using the wallet, internal resource units are used - Unlim. The user can replenish the wallet (acquire the right to receive paid services (Unlim)) using the methods offered by the Unlim resource.

Unlims are considered purchased by the User from the moment the Unlim resource receives confirmation that the User has transferred funds to the Unlim resource. The right to purchase services using the wallet is considered granted to the User from the moment the corresponding number of Unlims is credited to the wallet. After replenishing the wallet, the user has the right to spend the purchased Unlims with funds offered by the Unlim resource. When a user selects a certain paid service, a certain number of Unlims is debited from his wallet, corresponding to the cost of the specific service. Unlims located in the wallet of one User profile cannot be transferred to the wallet of another User profile, except in cases where they are transferred by the Contractor between profiles belonging to the same User (an individual who does not carry out entrepreneurial activities), when one of such profiles is blocked.

Unlims purchased by the User (credited to the User) cannot be exchanged for cash. If the User's profile is deleted, unused Unlims are canceled.

In order to stimulate the use of the wallet by users of the Unlim Internet resource, the Contractor has the right to provide users with discounts when paying for services to promote advertisements through the wallet, in the amount established by the decisions of the Contractor.

9.10. Other conditions for the provision of services may be specified by posting relevant information on the Unlim resource.

10. Delivery and acceptance of services

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Georgia, the primary accounting document confirming the fact that the Contractor has provided Services under this Agreement (acceptance certificate for services provided) and which is an integral part of this Agreement, is drawn up individually.

If it is necessary to confirm the fact of provision of Services with a primary accounting document, the User shall draw up such a document after completion of the provision of the relevant service solely and unilaterally on the basis of a document confirming payment for the Services by the User.

Before the 10th day of the month following the reporting month, the Contractor individually prepares the primary accounting document for the Services provided to Users in the reporting month based on the summary information available to him about all types of charges for the Services provided, received from the operator (operators) of electronic payments.

11. Reviews and ratings

11.1. Based on the results of posting advertisements, Users have the right to post reviews on the Unlim Internet resource - their opinions (evaluations) regarding other Users, their goods (works, services) and (or) transactions made with such Users through the Unlim Internet resource.

11.2. Ratings given to the User by other users of the Unlim Internet resource form the User's rating.

11.3. By registering on the Unlim Internet resource, the User agrees to the posting on Unlim of reviews (ratings) of other Users regarding the goods (works, services) advertised by him and (or) transactions completed, as well as his rating.

11.4. Review content requirements:

the review contains only reliable and correct information;

It is prohibited to use reviews in the text:

- obscene, offensive expressions, addresses or names;

- accusations of violation of the law, not supported by conclusions (decisions) of authorized government bodies or a court, as well as terminology similar to the names of offenses, for example, “swindler”, etc.

Unlim has the right to check User reviews to determine their compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. Upon receipt of a complaint about a review posted by the User, Unlim has the right to check and, if necessary, reject such review in full or remove part of the information from the review that violates the terms of this Agreement. The User is obliged to provide the Contractor, upon his request, with documents and (or) other objective evidence confirming the facts specified in the review.

11.5. Unlim has the right to refuse to post reviews:

- unfounded or containing only general (negative) information;

- containing incorrect or unreliable information, information of an offensive or defamatory nature, obscene language or otherwise violating the legislation of Georgia;

- in foreign languages;

- containing appeals, appeals to third parties and (or) not relating to the User in respect of whom they are posted;

- in respect of which the User to whom they concern has provided reasonable information sufficient to refute them.

12. Use of information posted on Unlim and rights to it

The information posted by the User on the Unlim Internet resource (including, but not limited to: the content of advertisements, text of messages, etc.) is intended to be posted only on the specified Internet resource and cannot be without the express prior consent of the User or the Unlim resource, and also without a link to the Unlim resource is posted on other Internet resources, except for the cases provided for in this Agreement.

The Contractor has the right to independently (without additional consent of the User) take measures to additionally promote the User’s advertisements by all available means, including (including, but not limited to) in product recommendations for other users, in Unlim accounts on social networks, on other Internet sites. resources, etc.

The Contractor owns all exclusive property rights in relation to all information posted on the Unlim resource, and Unlim has the right to use this information for any purposes, commercial or otherwise, without paying any remuneration to the person who posted the relevant information or to any other person, in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.

13. Responsibility of the parties, dispute resolution procedure

13.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and (or) the Agreement.

13.2. The user is responsible for compliance of the information posted by him on the Unlim resource, as well as the actions he performs on the Unlim resource, with the legislation of Georgia and the Treaty.

13.3. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement if the impossibility of their fulfillment is due to force majeure circumstances.

13.4. All disputes and disagreements that may arise during the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement or in connection with it are resolved by the Parties through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disagreements, disputes under this Agreement shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Georgia.

13.5. In case of violation by the User of the law, the terms of this Agreement, the Rules, or other agreements concluded by the Contractor with the User, Unlim has the right to apply liability measures to the User (including, but not limited to): a warning; rejection/termination of placement of certain or all User advertisements; blocking the User’s profile/online account (temporarily or permanently), including deactivation of advertisements; restricting the provision to the User of certain functions of the User’s profile/online account or services of the Unlim resource; other measures of liability provided for in the agreement concluded with the User.

14. Duration of the agreement, procedure for changing it

14.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of acceptance (acceptance) of its terms by the User in accordance with subclause 2.3 of this Agreement and is valid until the User’s profile on the Unlim resource is deleted, or the User ceases to use the Unlim resource (for Users who have not registered such a profile), and in part of the processing of the User’s personal data - before the expiration of the period for processing personal data carried out on the basis of this Agreement, provided for in the Personal Data Processing Policy of the Unlim Internet resource.

14.2. The Contractor has the right to independently unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement, subject to prior (before the date of entry into force of the relevant changes) posting the text of the changes (the text of this Agreement as amended) on the Unlim Internet resource.

14.3. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill this Agreement in relation to the User if the User repeatedly or significantly violates its terms, including causing harm to the rights and legitimate interests of other Users.

15. Attached to this Agreement and are an integral part of it:

15.1.Rules for posting ads on the Unlim Internet resource;

15.2.Policy for processing personal data of the unlim Internet resource;

16. Details of the Parties

16.1. The parties agree that the User’s details are considered to be the information specified by him when registering the User’s profile on the Unlim resource, as well as filling out the form for ordering the services of the Unlim resource.

16.2. Details of the Contractor:

Limited Liability Company "Unlimited Technology" Georgia, Tbilisi, st. Vakhtang Gorgasali, 22

Rules for posting ads on the Unlim Internet resource

1. General Provisions

1.1. On the Unlim resource you can place two types of advertisements - private or commercial.

1.2. A private advertisement is an advertisement submitted on behalf of an individual and not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities by this person. Advertisements submitted on behalf of individuals who do not have the appropriate state registration (registration with the tax authorities), but who are engaged in the systematic sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), cannot be classified as private. Advertisements from real estate sales and rental agents also cannot be classified as private advertisements. If it is discovered that advertisements for the sale of similar goods are posted by a private person, Unlim has the right to reject these advertisements and offer to place them from a commercial profile. In addition, if an official request is received from government authorities regarding an identified fact of illegal business activity, Unlim can provide these authorities with relevant information.

1.3. Commercial advertisement is an advertisement submitted on behalf of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur related to business activities. Unlim reserves the right to independently determine whether an advertisement is commercial or private.

2. The procedure for posting advertisements on the Unlim resource

2.1. Period for posting advertisements All advertisements, both private and commercial, in all categories, with the exception of the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars”, are posted on Unlim for a period of 60 days, after which they are automatically deactivated. The term for posting advertisements in the categories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” is 90 days. The user can optionally extend the period for posting an ad by using the ad raising service.

2.2. Deactivating an ad If an ad is no longer relevant, the user must deactivate it. To do this, the user needs to select the “Deactivate” option in the profile or on the ad viewing page.

2.3. Reactivating ads There are two ways to reactivate an ad: activation without lifting and activation with lifting.

2.4. Activation without raising If the ad period has not yet expired, the User can activate his deactivated ad at any time. To activate without lifting, you need to click on the “Activate” button in your profile. The advertisement is published with the old submission date and without moving up the list of advertisements.

2.5. Activation with raising Activation of an advertisement with raising occurs for a fee in accordance with the conditions provided for in clause 9.2.1 of the User Agreement. The advertisement becomes active again, and it rises to the top of the general list of advertisements, and the period of its placement is automatically extended by 60 days, and in the subcategories “Apartments”, “Houses, cottages, cottages” and “Cars” - by 90 days.

2.6. Deleting advertisements The user can delete his deactivated advertisement in his profile no earlier than 7 days from the date of deactivation, and for advertisements of business partners in the “Real Estate” category - 30 days from the date of deactivation. Deleting means that the ad and all data about it are permanently deleted from the profile.

2.7. Automatic deletion of advertisementsAds with the status “Inactive” and “Rejected” are stored in the User’s profile for no more than 2 (two) months from the date of deactivation/rejection. Advertisements with the status “Waiting for payment” are stored in the User’s profile for no more than 5 (five) days, and then are automatically deleted.

2.8. Re-posting an ad The User has the right to submit a new ad about the same product (work, service) as the previous one, only after his old ad is deleted from the User’s profile. If at the time of submitting a new ad the User has an active or inactive ad for a specific product (work, service), then the new ad cannot be published. To re-post, the user can activate his inactive ad or delete it in accordance with the “Deleting ads” paragraph.

2.9. Duplicates The user can submit only one advertisement for each specific product (work, service). If the User already has an active advertisement for the sale (purchase, rental) of a certain product (work, service), then when submitting a second advertisement with the same product (work, service), the latter will be considered a duplicate and will not be published. If the User has an inactive ad with a certain product (work, service), then before submitting a new ad with the same product (work, service), you must first delete the existing inactive ad. Without deleting an inactive ad, a new ad with the same product (work, service) is also regarded as a duplicate. Also, an advertisement for the same product (work, service) is not allowed to be placed in several regions and in more than one category at once.

2.10. Duplicate advertisements from different profiles The user cannot publish advertisements about the same product (work, service) using different profiles. Such advertisements will be considered duplicates.

2.11. Unlim has the right to set priority for placing advertisements from individual subcategories at the top positions of the pages of the corresponding categories.

3. General requirements for advertisements posted on the Unlim resource

3.1. Advertisements posted on the Unlim resource must be written in one of the state languages ​​Georgian - English or Russian, and contain:

- ad title, description of a specific product, work or service. The description must be complete and accurate, and not contain the seller’s contact information or links to third-party resources. Advertising of dissimilar products is not allowed in one ad. The ad title should not contain prices, links to third-party Internet resources, email addresses, contact information;

- reliable price of a product, work or service. In this case, the price of the product (work, service) must be indicated in lari or dollar in the special “Price” field;

- reliable information about the seller (performer);

- reliable information about the condition of the goods;

- reliable contact information. Required contact information includes e-mail and telephone number. The email is indicated in a special field when registering a profile. It is not allowed to indicate it in the ad text. The email is not visible in the ad, but is used to contact the author through a special contact form. The e-mail specified by the User when creating a profile is used for official newsletters to the User on behalf of the Unlim resource. The phone number is indicated in a special field. It is prohibited to indicate a phone number in the “Description” field. The number may not be displayed to other users at the request of the author (if, when submitting, tick the “Do not show phone number in the ad”) box.

3.2. Placement of photographs in advertisements is carried out in accordance with the requirements provided for in Section 7 of these Rules.

4. Additional requirements for advertisements posted by certain categories of users

4.1. Advertisements from companies and individual entrepreneurs must contain the following information:

4.1.1. name (for a legal entity) or surname and initials (for an individual entrepreneur);

4.1.2. payer account number;

4.1.3. legal address;

4.1.4. license registration number, date of issue, validity period and name of the authority that issued the license (for goods and services subject to licensing in accordance with Georgian legislation).

4.2. Advertisements from companies and individual entrepreneurs trading in goods must also indicate the address of the location of the retail outlet, and for online stores - the address of the website of the online store registered in the Trade Register, except in cases where the User has registered the online store in the prescribed manner using a link to your profile on the Unlim Internet resource.

4.3. Advertisements placed by persons engaged in handicraft activities shall additionally indicate:

- last name, first name and patronymic of the artisan;

- UNP of an individual;

- the price of the product;

- terms of delivery of goods (time, cost and terms of delivery cost).

4.4. For partners of the Unlim resource- legal entities and individuals who have entered into contracts with Unlimited Technology LLC for the provision of paid services for the provision of an online account/provision of other similar services (hereinafter referred to as partners), special conditions for posting information are established, different (in whole or in part) from the conditions provided for these Rules for other categories of users, depending on the tariff plan chosen by the partner, providing (including, but not limited to):

- expanded number of photos in the ad;

- placing a logo/trademark on the product photo, a link to a partner’s website or online store;

- indication of the address of the retail outlet in the photo of the product and in the text of the advertisement;

- indication (in the title or text of the advertisement) of the loan term and the amount of the monthly payment when providing an installment plan for the purchase of goods;

- placement in the text of advertisements of a link to an online store or a partner’s website;

- expanded opportunities for posting information in the profile (online account).

5. Requirements for goods, works and services posted on the Unlim resource

Goods, works and services about which advertisements are placed must comply with the requirements of the legislation of Georgia. When placing an advertisement about goods, works and services that are subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity in Georgia, the advertiser is independently responsible for the availability of documents confirming the compliance of goods, works and services with the requirements of technical and other regulatory legal acts.

6. Limitation on the number of advertisements

6.1. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, a limit is set on the number of active advertisements - no more than 2 advertisements in 1 category from one legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Active advertisements can be placed in no more than 2 categories on the Unlim resource.

6.2. For individuals, restrictions are set on the number of active advertisements in a subcategory (limits). Placing advertisements in excess of the limit is carried out on a paid basis.

7. Requirements for photographs and conditions for their placement

7.1. Photos must be related to the product, work or service described in the ad. For example, if you are selling a lawn mower, you can, in addition to a photo of the mower itself, post a photo of the lawn it mowed, but a photo of your beloved dog would be out of place here.

7.2(excluded 09.29.2023)

7.3. The same photo can only be used in one ad at a time.

7.4. The photograph should not contain links to other sites or logos.

7.5.(excluded 05/02/2023)

7.6. Photos and images must not violate the copyright of their owner, photographer or possible models.

7.7. The photo should not contain elements that could be considered offensive, illegal or incite violence.

7.8. If there are other people in the photo besides you, make sure that they agree to the publication of their images. If the photo shows property that does not belong to you, then the consent of the property owner to publish this photo is required

7.9. It is not allowed to place contact information and registration marks in the image, including those related to third parties.

7.10. It is not allowed to post photographs and other images of an erotic and pornographic nature, images with sexual overtones, including images of naked intimate parts of the body, people in transparent or revealing clothing, completely naked people or people taking off their clothes.

7.11. It is not permitted to use images processed in special editors to replace paid resource services (for example, colored frames, placement of advertising texts over product images, etc.).

7.12. Photographs of killed animals and skinning of carcasses are prohibited from publication.

7.13. It is prohibited to publish photographs containing the following types of ritual products: coffins, monuments with photos and data of the deceased, photographs of burial places.

7.14. Photos are posted with a watermark. In this way, Unlim prevents the use of photographs without the permission of the ad owner for other purposes.

7-1. Features of placing advertisements in the subcategory “Rent for a day” of the “Real Estate” category

7-1.1. General requirements for an ad

The property offered for rent (hereinafter referred to as the property) must have standard consumer qualities established by law for residential premises, and also comply with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for residential premises, including in terms of the availability and serviceability of sanitary equipment, regular cleaning premises and waste disposal. The description and address of the property must be complete and accurate. The advertisement must indicate the most accurate address of the property (including house number and floor). By posting (continuing to post) an advertisement for housing for rent on the Unlim Internet resource, the User confirms: the completeness and accuracy of the information about the property and rental conditions specified in the advertisement ;availability of the property in full for rent on the days specified in the “Occupancy Calendar” (for advertisements with online booking).

7-1.2. Photos

The ad must contain: real photographs of the property, relevant at any time the ad was posted on Unlim; at least one photograph of each room of the property, for example:

- for a studio apartment – ​​at least 2 photographs: view of the room, bathroom;

- for a one-room apartment – ​​at least 3 photographs: kitchen, room, bathroom;

- for a two-room apartment – ​​at least 4 photographs: kitchen, each room, bathroom, etc.

Placing an advertisement without photographs in the quantity and composition established by the Rules is not allowed. Photos must be taken indoors. When posting an ad with online booking, the User, who is an individual who does not carry out entrepreneurial activities, must, at the request of the Contractor, document the existence and (or) ownership of the property.

7-1.3. Price/rental cost. Payment

The minimum rental amount indicated in the advertisement (minimum rental price for 1 person on a weekday, without a pet, etc.) must be reliable, the rental price is indicated for 1 day. It is not allowed to indicate:

- rental cost for a period of less than 1 day (for example, per hour, minute, etc.);

- unreliable (different from the cost that the lessor will actually be asked to pay), unrealistic (significantly different from the market, including clearly underestimated) rental cost;

- rental cost in the meanings “negotiable”, “by agreement of the parties” and other similar values ​​instead of indicating specific amounts;

- rental price in the ad title.

If an ad clearly shows a low price, the ad may be rejected or blocked.

The lessor is not allowed to make demands for additional payments not specified in the advertisement in excess of the rental price.

If booking an apartment requires the tenant to make an advance payment (prepayment), security deposit, etc., information about this must be indicated in the advertisement.

7-1.4. Review of online booking applications

The User's application for online booking of a property must be considered by the lessor no later than 6 hours of working hours (specified in the settings of the lessor's profile/online account on the Unlim resource) from the moment it is submitted by the interested user through the Unlim resource. If detected by the tenant after submission Applications where false information is indicated in the Application, the tenant is obliged to immediately cancel the Application for its subsequent resubmission with updated data. Before confirming the Application, the User (lessor) is obliged to contact the tenant to clarify the reservation parameters in detail. An application in respect of which is assigned in the Contractor’s information system and reflected in the User’s (landlord’s) profile/online account on the Unlim resource is considered to have a status different from the “Confirmation period has expired” status. The Landlord has no right to offer the tenant objects for consideration (to choose from). (residential premises), in respect of which the tenant did not previously send an Application to the landlord. If during communication between the landlord and the tenant it was agreed that it was impossible to fulfill the Application, such Application must be immediately canceled through the profile/online account of the tenant/landlord on the Unlim resource. If the User is unable to independently cancel the Application for online booking of a property, the landlord is obliged, immediately after receiving the relevant information from the User, to independently cancel the User’s Application through the landlord’s profile/online account on the Unlim resource. When canceling the Application for online booking, landlords and Users (tenants) ) are required to indicate a valid (real and reliable) reason for canceling the Application, corresponding to the actual situation.

7-1.5. Identification of verified properties for online booking listings

The Contractor has the right, based on the results of checking the additional information provided by the User (including video materials), confirming the accuracy of the description, information about the location, and (or) consumer properties of the property specified in the advertisement, to independently highlight the corresponding advertisements of Users using special graphic symbols (marks) confirming the fact of successful completion of such a check and increasing confidence in the User. If the Contractor identifies a fact that the information that served as the basis for assigning the above designation (mark) to the advertisement does not correspond to reality (in whole or in part), the Contractor has the right to decide to remove the corresponding designation from the advertisement with simultaneous notification of this User.

7-1.6.Users who have the online booking function activated in their user profile/personal account are not entitled to post advertisements for daily rental of residential premises in the subcategories “Apartments”, “Houses and Cottages” (with the exception of the subcategory “Rooms”) without using this function.

7-1.7. Checking the integrity of landlords

In order to verify the reliability of information about the conditions for the rental of real estate specified in the advertisements posted on the Unlim resource, as well as the integrity of the landlords who posted such advertisements, the Contractor has the right to carry out a secret check against the landlord by sending the Landlord an application for online booking of housing, followed by (no later than 1 calendar day before the check-in date) by canceling it (hereinafter referred to as a secret check). For the purposes of this clause, a secret check is understood as a method of secret control by the Contractor of the reliability of the information posted on Unlim about the conditions for renting housing, as well as the integrity of the landlord, expressed in the artificial creation of a situation for filling out an application for online booking of housing without the purpose of subsequent residence in it. Information on the procedure for conducting a secret audit is posted on the Unlim Internet resource. A secret inspection can be carried out in relation to one lessor no more than once per calendar quarter. The contractor informs the lessor about the inspection and its results upon the fact of the inspection. If, during a secret inspection, a violation by the landlord of the legislation concluded with the User and (or) these Rules is revealed, the landlord may be subject to liability measures provided for in the agreement concluded between him and the Contractor. If the Contractor receives a complaint about non-compliance from the tenant against the landlord of one of the Objects (residential premises) of this lessor to the requirements of the law or these Rules, as well as its description in the advertisement posted on the Unlim Internet resource, the Contractor, in accordance with the requirements of the law, has the right to request documents and video confirmation from the lessor for verification to verify information on all Objects of this landlord, rental advertisements for which are posted by the landlord on the Unlim Internet resource.

8. Prohibited goods (works, services)

Unlimrejects advertisements for goods (works, services), the sale (performance, provision) and/or advertising of which is prohibited by the legislation of Georgia. Unlim also sets restrictions on certain types of goods, works and services. You will find detailed information about goods and services that are not subject to placement on the Unlim resource inList of prohibited goods, works and services.

9. Prohibition on placing certain advertisements

9.1. It is prohibited to place advertisements containing:

- unfair, unreliable, unethical, hidden advertising, as well as information that harms the business reputation of the advertiser’s competitors;

- propaganda or call for violence, cruelty and illegal actions;

- a promise or guarantee stating the future effectiveness (profitability) of the advertised type of activity;

- information that misleads consumers regarding the quality, quantity, composition, manufacturing method and other characteristics of products (goods, works, services);

- obscene language, as well as offensive statements, including those of a racist and religious nature, as well as calls for discrimination based on nationality, race, gender or other characteristics;

- violation of generally accepted norms of morality and morality;

- information that may directly or indirectly lead to the disclosure of information constituting state secrets of Georgia;

- requirements for the age and/or place of residence of the employee in job advertisements.

9.2. It is not permitted to place advertisements of a marketing nature, that is, advertisements advertising not a specific product or service offered, but a complex of goods and services as a whole.

9.3. It is not allowed to post dating advertisements.

9.4. Unlim has the right to independently, taking into account the requirements and criteria established by the legislation of Georgia, decide on the issue of classifying an advertisement as advertising prohibited in this section. Unlim also has the right to decide to refuse to place individual advertisements if it considers their content to be inconsistent with the legislation of Georgia. You will find detailed information about goods and services that are not subject to placement on the Unlim resource inList of prohibited goods and services.

10. Changing and editing advertisements

10.1. The administration of the Unlim resource reserves the right:

- place or reject ads, move ads to other categories;

- determine which advertisement does not comply with these Rules;

- delete advertisements if they do not comply with the rules for posting advertisements on the site, without prior notice or explanation;

- change the requirements for the content and conditions for posting advertisements;

- change the content and design of advertisements in accordance with the requirements specified in these Rules;

- edit advertisements in order to give them qualities that are easy to read;

- deprive a specific user of the right to post advertisements in the event of a systematic violation by this user of these Rules;

- request from the user additional data necessary to place advertisements.

10.2 Replacement of goods, work or services in the advertisement.When changing or updating an advertisement, it is not permitted to replace the product, work or service described in the advertisement with another product, work or service; delete photos without adding new ones. If placement of an advertisement is refused due to the fact that the advertisement does not comply with the rules, the user is offered the opportunity to edit the advertisement.

11. Additional terms and responsibilities

11.1. Representations and Responsibilities

By posting an advertisement on the Unlim resource, the User guarantees that he has all the rights necessary to place such an advertisement, as well as to transfer the relevant information to the Contractor.

Each user who places an advertisement on Unlim bears full responsibility for it. Unlim is not responsible for the quality of goods, works or services advertised (sold) in the advertisement. The advertiser of a commercial advertisement is independently responsible for having the necessary approvals, permits, licenses, certificates and/or other documents necessary to carry out the relevant type of activity. The advertiser guarantees that his advertisement does not violate copyrights, intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. If a reasonable claim from third parties is presented to the Unlim resource regarding a posted advertisement in connection with a violation of the legislation of Georgia by the fact of posting an advertisement, then Unlim has the right to remove the corresponding advertisement. In addition, the advertiser is personally liable for such violation and undertakes to indemnify Unlim from liability for damages or expenses in connection with such violation.

The Contractor has the right not to consider claims of Users (individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities) related to transactions made in relation to goods (works, services), advertisements for which were posted on the Unlim Internet resource, if these transactions were concluded without using the “Unlim Delivery” or “Unlim Payment” services.

11.2. Personal data and privacy.

Unlim are not bound by any obligations of confidentiality, except as requiredPersonal data processing policies and Georgian legislation. Unlim provides assistance to law enforcement agencies and other authorized persons investigating offenses related to the placement of advertisements on the Unlim resource, providing the necessary information in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and ourPersonal data processing policy.

11.3. Email.An email is required to register a profile and post an ad. The email is not displayed on the ad viewing page.

11.4. Cell phone number.In cases established by Unlim (including for posting, editing an advertisement, sending a message, etc.), the User must go through the procedure of verification (confirmation) of his mobile phone number, of which the user is notified by means of the Unlim resource. The procedure for mandatory verification of a mobile phone number is performed by a User registered on the Unlim resource using one mobile phone number only once. Changing the mobile phone number verified to confirm the User’s profile is carried out through repeated verification.

Verification by mobile phone number is prohibited:

registered outside of Georgia (foreign mobile operator); which has already been previously verified by another user.

Verification by the user of a mobile phone number previously used during verification on the Unlim resource by another person can be carried out only after de-actualization of this number on Unlim by the original owner of the number or the Unlim resource support service.

12. Ad promotion

12.1. Terms of provision.To increase the efficiency of placing your ads. Users of the Unlim resource can take advantage of the ad promotion services provided for in the User Agreement.

12.2. Payment.The user pays for services in the manner indicated on the page with the selected payment method. Available payment methods are displayed to the user when selecting a specific service. The cost of services is indicated without VAT, since the Contractor is exempt from VAT 13. Protection of intellectual property rights

13.1. Restrictions on the use of information.All material, including content, software and services contained on the Unlim resource is the property of Unlimited Technology LLC. No material posted on the Unlim resource may be copied, replicated, republished, installed, posted, transmitted, stored or distributed in any form. The only exception is “downloading” (transfer of data using information and technical means of communication) for copying material solely for personal use, provided that: (a) all copyrights are retained, (b) the material is not modified, (c) the material is not is used to associate with our products, services and brands, and (d) is not uploaded as database material. Use of the material on any other website or computer network is strictly prohibited.

List of goods (works, services) in respect of which posting advertisements on the Unlim Internet resource is prohibited

narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors;

liquids for electronic smoking systems; containers/devices containing liquid for electronic smoking systems; disposable (including unsuitable for use) electronic smoking systems; refilled (containing traces of liquid) cartridges, tanks, other components of electronic smoking systems intended for storing liquid;

military products, ammunition, active protection equipment and all types of weapons;

products that are structurally similar to weapons (with the exception of products that are structurally similar to bladed weapons, as well as advertisements from partner companies about products that have certificates of conformity);

products intended for suppressing riots and dispersing processions, including relevant vehicles and equipment, with the exception of products intended for fire fighting;

fire protection means, including mobile means of the shield type, as well as means that provide durable mechanical protection, with the exception of means intended for protection during sports or for individual protection in peaceful work activities;

poisonous substances, as well as other similar chemical substances that can harm human life or health;

products that pose a potential hazard to human health;

human organs and (or) tissues, as well as offers related to human trafficking;

products of a sexual, erotic and pornographic nature; contraception;

medicines (including homeopathic and Ayurvedic), vitamins, herbs, plants and other natural remedies whose medicinal properties are widely known; dietary supplements (including weight loss products); sports nutrition (with the exception of advertisements from partner companies, which indicate the address of the retail facility where these products are sold/stored);

medicines and vitamins for animals (except for partner companies with a license);

alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;

contact lenses;

fishing tools and devices, the possession of which is restricted by law;

State awards, foreign states and their copies.


precious metals and stones, as well as products made from them, with the exception of coins made of precious metals placed in the “Collections” category

foreign currency, with the exception of: - foreign coins or banknotes in foreign currencies in single copies (including for collecting purposes), in relation to which the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble is not established by the National Bank or is not established on a daily basis; - banknotes, not in circulation and not being legal tender on the territory of the relevant foreign state or group of foreign states, as well as banknotes withdrawn or withdrawn from circulation and not subject to exchange;

personal documents, their forms, as well as strict reporting forms;

vehicle registration documents;

vehicle registration numbers;

mobile phone numbers;

email addresses;

accounts (accounts), virtual content of online games, except for unused software activation keys and bonus codes (gift codes) for games;

objects that are exclusively owned by the state in accordance with the legislation of Georgia;

products whose name uses the term “electronic cigarette”;

radio stations, as well as other communication devices that use the radio frequency spectrum to receive and transmit information (except for spare parts for radio stations, toy radio stations and baby monitors);

expired goods;

wild animals and wild plants belonging to species included in the Red Book, as well as species of animals and plants, their parts or derivatives thereof (derivatives), subject to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, signed by in Washington on March 3, 1973 (CITES); skins of cats and dogs;

services of a sexual nature, including under the guise of psychological assistance, communication, relaxation, massage, pleasant pastime, other legal activities, as well as escort services and freelance modeling services;

dating services;

network and direct marketing;

bulk SMS services;

magic and occult services;

schemes from the category “How to get rich quick”;

services for providing loans and financing (except for advertisements of partner companies);

other goods (work, services), the production (performance), sale, use or advertising of which: - are aimed at violating the current legislation or misleading third parties; - are prohibited or limited by the legislation of Georgia or by a decision of the Unlim administration.